Symbolic Value : Item (Field) Information

TYPE_xxx [NUMBER_RANGE] - Item Data Type - Number List/Range

#include <nsfdata.h>

Description :

Number List fields contain one or more numbers. They are stored in notes as items of TYPE_NUMBER_RANGE. An item of TYPE_NUMBER_RANGE consists of a range header followed by an array of numbers, as follows:
RANGE range header
NUMBER number no. 0
NUMBER number no. 1
NUMBER number no. N

The range header is a RANGE data structure. The ListEntries member of the header is a USHORT that contains the number of NUMBERs in the list. Since ranges of numbers are not supported in Domino, the RangeEntries member of the header should be set to 0.

After the header comes an array of NUMBERs. There are ListEntries NUMBERSs in the array.

In the Notes user interface, create a Number List field by composing a document using a form with a Number field that accepts multiple values. Enter one or more numbers, separated by multi-value separators, into the field. The Number field accepts multiple values if the design of the field in the form has the Allow Multi-Values box checked in the Field Definition dialog box. The multi-value separators are also defined by the design of the field in the form. The default multi-value separator for Number fields is a comma or a semicolon, but others may be used.

To create a number list field from the API, allocate a block of memory sufficient to hold a RANGE data structure followed by as many NUMBERs as you need. Initialize a RANGE structure, then append it to the memory block. Append NUMBERs to the memory block following the RANGE. Finally, call NSFItemAppend specifying the memory block as the item value. Specify data type TYPE_NUMBER_RANGE. Domino and Notes automatically convert items of type TYPE_NUMBER_RANGE to canonical format when appending them to a note, and convert them to host format when reading them from a note. Therefore, do not perform host/canonical conversion on this data.

The multi-value separator character is not stored in the number list field.

The total length of a Number List field must not exceed 15 kilobytes.

For Number List fields created using the Notes user interface, the SUMMARY flag is set by default. For Number List fields created using the API, specify ITEM_SUMMARY in the item_flags parameter of NSFItemAppend to set the SUMMARY flag.

Sample Usage :

#define LIST_COUNT 5

DWORD       dwValueLen;
void far   *pvoidItemValue;
RANGE      *pRange;
NUMBER     *pNumber;
WORD        i;
STATUS      error;
NUMBER      aNumbers[LIST_COUNT] = {1,3,9703.4,-7,0.11592};

dwValueLen = sizeof(RANGE) + (LIST_COUNT * sizeof(NUMBER));
pvoidItemValue = (void far *) malloc ((size_t)dwValueLen);

pRange = (RANGE*)pvoidItemValue;
pRange->ListEntries = usCount;
pRange->RangeEntries = 0;
pNumber = (NUMBER*)pRange;

for (i = 0; i < LIST_COUNT; i++)
   *pNumber = aNumbers[i];

error = NSFItemAppend (hNote,

free (pvoidItemValue);

See Also :
