Initial Release 3.4

Function : Unread Notes
NSFDbGetUnreadNoteTable - Create an ID Table of unread notes

#include <nsfdb.h>

char far *UserName,
WORD UserNameLength,
BOOL fCreateIfNotAvailable,
DHANDLE far *rethUnreadList);

Description :

An ID Table is created containing the list of unread notes in the open database for the specified user, and the handle of that ID Table is returned. Prior to Release 4.5 of Notes, this function will only work with local databases. If both the workstation and the server have Release 4.5 or later installed, this function will also work with remote databases. The user name must be the complete user name, as it would be retrieved from the user's ID file. In particular, if the name is hierarchical, the user name string must be the fully distinguished hierarchical user name. This form of the name may be obtained by calling DNCanonicalize().

The argument fCreateIfNotAvailable controls what action is to be performed if there is no list of unread notes for the specified user in the database. If no list is found and this flag is set to FALSE, the handle returned will be NULL; if this flag is set to TRUE, the list of unread notes will be created and all notes in the database will be added to the list.

No coordination is performed between different users of the same database. If an application obtains a list of unread notes while another user is modifying the list, the changes made may not be visible to the application.

Unread marks for each user are stored in the client desktop.dsk file and in the database. When a user closes a database (either through the Notes user interface or through an API program), the unread marks in the desktop.dsk file and in the database are synchronized so that they match. Unread marks are not replicated when a database is replicated. Instead, when a user opens a replica of a database, the unread marks from the desktop.dsk file propagates to the replica database. NSFDbGetUnreadNoteTable only accesses the unread marks stored in the database and does not attempt to synchronize with the unread marks in desktop.dsk.

Parameters :

Sample Usage :

STATUS  status;
DHANDLE  hTable;
DHANDLE  hOriginalTable;
char    UserName [MAXUSERNAME + 1];

/* Get the current user name */
status = SECKFMGetUserName (UserName);

/* Get the unread list */
status = NSFDbGetUnreadNoteTable (
 strlen (UserName),
 TRUE,      /* Create list if it's not already there */

/* Notes requires original unread table to merge changes */
status = IDTableCopy (hTable, &hOriginalTable);

/* Bring table up to date */
status = NSFDbUpdateUnread (hDb, hTable);

/* Make some changes */
status = IDInsert (hTable, 0x2102L, NULL);
status = IDDelete (hTable, 0x20FEL, NULL);

/* Merge changes */
status = NSFDbSetUnreadNoteTable (
 strlen (UserName),
 FALSE,    /* Don't force the write to disk */

status = IDDestroyTable (hOriginalTable);

See Also :
