Data Type : Composite Data; Rich Text
CDEXT2FIELD - Extended field reference record used for currency and numeric symbol information.
#include <editods.h>
Definition :
typedef struct {
WSIG Header;
/* Numeric symbol data */
BYTE NumSymPref; /* NPREF_xxx */
BYTE NumSymFlags; /* NNUMSYM_xxx */
DWORD DecimalSymLength;
DWORD MilliSepSymLength;
DWORD NegativeSymLength;
WORD MilliGroupSize;
SWORD VerticalSpacing; /* extra vertical spacing (%) */
SWORD HorizontalSpacing; /* extra horizontal spacing (%) */
WORD Unused2;
WORD FirstFieldLimitType;
/* Currency data */
BYTE CurrencyPref; /* NPREF_xxx */
BYTE CurrencyType; /* NCURFMT_xxx */
BYTE CurrencyFlags; /* NCURFMT_xxx */
DWORD CurrencySymLength;
WORD ThumbnailImageWidth; /* Hannover Thumbnail support */
WORD ThumbnailImageHeight;
WORD wThumbnailImageFileNameLength;
WORD wIMOnlineNameFormulaLen;
/* Date/time formatting data */
BYTE DTPref; /* NPREF_xxx */
DWORD DTFlags; /* DT_xxx */
DWORD DTFlags2; /* DT_xxx */
BYTE DTDOWFmt; /* DT_WFMT_xxx */
BYTE DTYearFmt; /* DT_YFMT_xxx */
BYTE DTMonthFmt; /* DT_MFMT_xxx */
BYTE DTDayFmt; /* DT_DFMT_xxx */
BYTE DTDsep1Len;
BYTE DTDsep2Len;
BYTE DTDsep3Len;
BYTE DTDShow; /* DT_DSHOW_xxx */
BYTE DTDSpecial; /* DT_DSPEC_xxx */
BYTE DTTShow; /* DT_TSHOW_xxx */
BYTE DTTZone; /* TZFMT_xxx */
DWORD Unused5;
/* Proportional font for fields data */
BYTE Unused612;
WORD wCharacters; /* Number of characters if proportional width */
WORD wInputEnabledLen; /* Input enabled formula. */
WORD wIMGroupFormulaLen; /* Instant messageing buddy list group name. */
/* Now comes the variable part of the struct... */
Description :
New field attributes have been added in Release 5.0 of Domino. To preserve compatibility with existing applications, the new attributes have been placed in this second extension to the CDFIELD record. This record will be present in the $Body item of the form note for each field defined.
Numeric Symbol Data
NumSmyPref Numeric Symbol Data preferences
NumSymFlags Reserved for future use
DecimalSymLength Decimal Symbol Length
MilliSepSymLength Milli Separator Symbol Length
NegativeSymLength Negative Symbol Length
MilliGroupSize Number of digits per "thousands" group (i.e. where to put the "," in "1,000")
VerticalSpacing; Extra vertical spacing (%)
HorizontalSpacing; Extra horizontal spacing (%)
FirstFieldLimitType This value reflects the Only allow multiple choice in the Limit Input of the Rich Text Lite field,see FL_xxx
CurrencyPref Currency Preferences
CurrencyType Common or custom currency
CurrencyFlags see NCURFMT_xxx
ISOCountry ISO Country Code
Date/Time Formatting Data
DTPref Date/Time Preferences
DTFlags see DT_xxx [DTFlags]
DTFlags2 see DT_xxx [DTFlags2]
DTDOWFmt see DT_WFTM_xxx
DTYearFmt see DT_YFMT_xxx
DTMonthFmt see DT_MFMT_xxx
DTDayFmt see DT_DFMT_xxx
DTDsep1Len Length of first Date/Time Date separator
DTDsep2Len Length of second Date/Time Date separator
DTDsep3Len Length of third Date/Time Date separator
DTTsepLen Length of Date/Time Time separator
DTDShow see DT_DSHOW_xxx
DTDSpecial see DT_DSPEC_xxx
DTTShow see DT_TSHOW_xxx
DTTZone see TZFMT_xxx
wCharacters Number of characters if proportional width
wInputEnabledLen Input enabled formula.
wIMGroupFormulaLen Instant messaging buddy list group name.
Since the $Body field has type TYPE_COMPOSITE, API programs that run on non-Intel architecture platforms must perform host/canonical conversion on CDEXT2FIELD records when accessing the $Body field of a form note.
If there is variable numeric, currency and/or date/time data then the variable portion of the data will follow the fixed portion of this CD record in the preceding order. If you plan to use the date/time separators,you will need to declare the separator variables and assign values to their lengths (DTDsep1Len, DTDsep2Len, DTDsep3Len, DTTsepLen).
The DT_STYLE_xxx flags are set using the DT_SET_STYLE function . The other DTFlags are set using an assignment statement.
Example: CDExt2Field.DTFlags = DT_SHOWDATE | DT_VALID;
See Also :