Function : Note

NSFNoteUpdate - Write in-memory note to on-disk database.

#include <nsfnote.h>

NOTEHANDLE note_handle,
WORD update_flags);

Description :

This function writes the in-memory version of a note to its database. Prior to issuing this call, a new note (or changes to a note) are not a part of the on-disk database. This function only supports the set of 16-bit WORD options described in the entry UPDATE_xxx; to use the extended 32-bit DWORD options, use the function NSFNoteUpdateExtended().

You should also consider updating the collections associated with other Views in a database via the function NIFOpenCollection or NIFUpdateCollection, if you have added and/or deleted a substantial number of documents. If the Server's Indexer Task does not rebuild the collections associated with the database's Views, the first user to access a View in the modified database might experience an inordinant delay, while the collection is rebuilt by the Notes Workstation (locally) or Server Application (remotely).

Do not update notes to disk that contain invalid items. An example of an invalid item is a view design note that has a $Collation item whose BufferSize member is set to zero. NSFNoteUpdate may return an error for an invalid item that was not caught in a previous release of Domino or Notes.

Note: if you have enabled IMAP on a database, in the case of the special NoteID "NOTEID_ADD_OR_REPLACE", a new note is always created.

Parameters :

Sample Usage :

if (error_status = NSFNoteUpdate(note_handle, 0))
          goto Exit;

See Also :
