ConvertTIMEDATEPAIRToText - Converts binary TIMEDATE_PAIR to a character text string.
#include <misc.h>
const void far *IntlFormat,
const TFMT far *TextFormat,
const TIMEDATE_PAIR far *InputTime,
char far *retTextBuffer,
WORD TextBufferLength,
WORD far *retTextLength);
Description :
This function converts a Domino binary TIMEDATE_PAIR structure into a character text string. The character text string consists of two date strings separated by " - ".
You may also optionally request a non-standard format for the output string by setting up a TFMT or INTLFORMAT structures. Use NULL if the standard "current" settings is acceptable.
Parameters :
Input :
IntlFormat - The internationalization settings in effect. You retrieve these settings in an INTLFORMAT structure returned during a call to OSGetIntlSettings. This argument is a void pointer to the INTLFORMAT. Can be NULL, in which case this function invokes OSGetIntlSettings and works with those settings for the duration of this call.
TextFormat - A pointer to a TFMT structure -- which specifies the desired format of the character converted time/date string. Can be NULL, in which case this function creates a temporary version of the required TFMT structure and assigns the following values to its members:
td_format_ptr->Date = TDFMT_FULL;
td_format_ptr->Time = TTFMT_FULL;
td_format_ptr->Zone = TZFMT_NEVER;
td_format_ptr->Structure = TSFMT_DATETIME;
InputTime - A pointer to the Domino binary time/date structure that you want to convert.
TextBufferLength - The length of the buffer pointed to by retTextBuffer minus one(1) or usually MAXALPHATIMEDATEPAIR.
Output :
(routine) - Return status from this call -- indicates either success or what the error is. The return codes include:
NOERROR - conversion successful.
ERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW - Output Buffer Overflow.
ERR_TDO_CONV - Invalid Time or Date Encountered.
ERR_IFMT - Invalid International Format Specifier.
ERR_TFMT - Invalid Time/Date Format Specifier.
retTextBuffer - The address of a text buffer in which the character text time/date result of the conversion is returned. The buffer must be declared with a length of (MAXALPHATIMEDATEPAIR) + 1. This includes 1 for a future NULL terminator. The returned text is not NULL terminated.
retTextLength - The address of a WORD in which the length of the converted character time/date pair text is returned.
Sample Usage :
/* Convert Time/Date Pair to Text */
binary_td_pair.Lower.Innards[0] = binary_td2.Innards[0];
binary_td_pair.Lower.Innards[1] = binary_td2.Innards[1];
binary_td_pair.Upper.Innards[0] = binary_td3.Innards[0];
binary_td_pair.Upper.Innards[1] = binary_td3.Innards[1];
td_string_ptr = &td_string_pair[0];
if (error_status = ConvertTIMEDATEPAIRToText(&intl_format,
&td_format, &binary_td_pair,
goto Exit;
See Also :