RANGE - Used to specify multiple values in a data field. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <global.h>
Definition :
typedef struct {
USHORT ListEntries;
USHORT RangeEntries;
/* now come the list entries */
/* now come the range entries */
Description :
This structure is used to specify a data field that contains more than one value. There are two ways to specify multiple values in a data field: a list of values or a range of values. A list is made up of one or more items of a datatype, separated by a delimiter. A range is made up of consecutive data given the start and end of the data. Note that not all datatypes support both lists and ranges.
The value in the ListEntries field of RANGE is the number of items specified in a delimited list of items.
The value in the RangeEntries field of RANGE is the number of item pairs specified as ranges.
Sample Usage :
char *szFieldName;
TIMEDATE *aTimeDates;
WORD usCount;
DWORD dwValueLen;
void far *pvoidItemValue;
RANGE *pRange;
TIMEDATE *pTimeDate;
STATUS error;