Function : Main Routines

NotesInitExtended - Domino or Notes runtime initialization routine

#include <global.h>

STATUS LNPUBLIC NotesInitExtended(
int argc,
char far * far *argv);

Description :

This routine initializes the Notes runtime system for all environments. This function also replaces NotesInit() on Windows systems. This routine can also be used for standalone programs running with Domino.

API programs that start with main() must call NotesInitExtended() before calling any other C API functions. After completing all C API actions and before the program exits, call NotesTerm().

NotesInitExtended uses argv[0] to attempt to locate the Domino or Notes executable directory. If the Domino or Notes executable directory is not in argv[0], then NotesInitExtended will use the path to determine the Domino or Notes executable directory. Then it performs the same initialization that NotesInit() performs. As of release 5 of Domino and Notes, you can specify an ini file to NotesInitExtended, by passing an argument preceded by an "=" sign. This argument can be any argument except the first argument. The name of the ini file may include the full path specification. If the path is not included then the specified ini file must reside in the Domino or Notes executable directory. Use the following syntax followed by the file name in the argv list: example "=new.ini".

Applications may use more than one thread of execution accessing Domino or Notes. Each new thread created by an application must call NotesInitThread() before making calls to Domino or Notes and NotesTermThread() before the thread terminates. Please refer to the reference entries for these functions for more information.

NotesInitExtended uses argv[0] to locate the Domino or Notes executable directory and the resource directory. Then it performs the same initialization that NotesInit() performs. To specify an ini file to NotesInitExtended, you may now pass an argument preceded by an "=" sign in Release 5.0. This argument can be any argument except the first argument. The name of the ini file may include the full path specification. If the path is not included then the specified ini file must reside in the Domino or Notes executable directory. Use the following syntax followed by the file name in the argv list: example "=new.ini".

Applications may use more than one thread of execution accessing Domino or Notes. Each new thread created by an application must call NotesInitThread() before making calls to Domino or Notes and NotesTermThread() before the thread terminates. Please refer to the reference entries for these functions for more information.

Parameters :

Sample Usage :

/* Initialize Notes for any platform. */

   error = NotesInitExtended (argc, argv);

   if (error)
       fprintf (stderr, "\nError initializing Notes.\n");
       exit (EXIT_FAILURE);

See Also :
