Packages | |
com.mindoo.remote.api | Base package of remote API (used by XPages2Eclipse product). |
com.mindoo.remote.api.ca | Component API base package. |
com.mindoo.remote.api.clipboard | Clipboard API base package. |
com.mindoo.remote.api.com.ibm.notes.java.api.data | Provides classes that can hold data that are associated with numerous Notes objects. |
com.mindoo.remote.api.com.ibm.notes.java.ui | Provides classes that can hold data that are associated with numerous Notes objects. |
com.mindoo.remote.api.com.ibm.notes.java.ui.documents | Provides classes that are related to UI documents. |
com.mindoo.remote.api.com.ibm.notes.java.ui.views | Provides classes that are related to UI views. |
com.mindoo.remote.api.com.ibm.rcp.propertybroker.property | Provides classes needed to manipulate the Notes UI and back-end documents. |
com.mindoo.remote.api.com.ibm.rcp.propertybroker.service | The package contains a wrapper for the most relevant methods of the PropertyBroker. |
com.mindoo.remote.api.com.ibm.rcp.propertybroker.swt | The package contains the SWTHelper interface for methods that can assist with property broker SWT integration. |
com.mindoo.remote.api.com.ibm.rcp.topology | This package provides the interfaces for the TopologyHandler component. |
com.mindoo.remote.api.com.ibm.rcp.ui.shelf | Interfaces to access the sideshelf windows. |
com.mindoo.remote.api.ipc | Internal utility classes, not part of the public and supported API. |
com.mindoo.remote.api.jobs | Interfaces of the Job API for background processing of code. |
com.mindoo.remote.api.license | Interface to trigger license warnings from add-on products. |
com.mindoo.remote.api.notes | Base package of NotesUI API. |
com.mindoo.remote.api.org.eclipse.core.runtime | Interfaces of org.eclipse.core.runtime used in the remote APIs. |
com.mindoo.remote.api.org.eclipse.swt.program | Interfaces used by Program API. |
com.mindoo.remote.api.org.eclipse.ui | Interfaces for Eclipse UI access. |
com.mindoo.remote.api.org.eclipse.ui.services | Package with generic Eclipse service access interface. |
com.mindoo.remote.api.org.eclipse.ui.tools | Package with PlatformUI API tools interfaces. |
com.mindoo.remote.api.registry | Base package of Extension Registry API. |
com.mindoo.remote.api.tools.io | Internal utility classes. |
com.mindoo.remote.api.tools.iterators | Internal utility classes. |
com.mindoo.remote.api.tools.ls2j | Internal utility classes. |
com.mindoo.remote.api.tools.reflection | Internal utility classes. |
com.mindoo.remote.api.tools.xml | Internal utility classes. |
com.mindoo.remote.api.xsp | Base package of XPages API. |
com.mindoo.xpages2eclipse.tools | XPages2Eclipse helper classes. |
com.x2e | Classes to access the available APIs. |