Interface IRemotePerspectiveFactory

public interface IRemotePerspectiveFactory

Remote API Wrapper for the org.eclipse.ui.IPerspectiveFactory (Online documentation)

Original documentation:
A perspective factory generates the initial page layout and visible action set for a page.

When a new page is created in the workbench a perspective is used to define the initial page layout. If this is a predefined perspective (based on an extension to the workbench's perspective extension point) an IPerspectiveFactory is used to define the initial page layout.

The factory for the perspective is created and passed an IPageLayout where views can be added. The default layout consists of the editor area with no additional views. Additional views are added to the layout using the editor area as the initial point of reference. The factory is used only briefly while a new page is created; then discarded.

Method Summary
 IRemotePageLayout getLayout()
          Returns an instance of IRemotePageLayout that acts as a "recorder":
It records all layout modifications so that we recorded steps can finally be passed to IRemotePerspectiveTools.createPerspective(String, String, IRemotePerspectiveFactory) in order to generate the perspective

Method Detail


IRemotePageLayout getLayout()
                            throws RemoteEclipseAPIException
Returns an instance of IRemotePageLayout that acts as a "recorder":
It records all layout modifications so that we recorded steps can finally be passed to IRemotePerspectiveTools.createPerspective(String, String, IRemotePerspectiveFactory) in order to generate the perspective

page layout