Interface IRemotePlaceholderFolderLayout

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public interface IRemotePlaceholderFolderLayout
extends IRemoteEclipseWrapper

Remote API Wrapper for the org.eclipse.ui.IPlaceholderFolderLayout (Online documentation)

Original documentation:
An IPlaceholderFolderLayout is used to define the initial view placeholders within a folder. The folder itself is contained within an IPageLayout.

Method Summary
 void addPlaceholder(java.lang.String viewId)
          Adds a view placeholder to this folder.
Methods inherited from interface com.mindoo.remote.api.IRemoteEclipseWrapper
_internalGetId, equalWrappedObjects

Method Detail


void addPlaceholder(java.lang.String viewId)
                    throws RemoteEclipseAPIException
Adds a view placeholder to this folder. A view placeholder is used to define the position of a view before the view appears. Initially, it is invisible; however, if the user ever opens a view whose compound id matches the placeholder, the view will appear at the same location as the placeholder. See the IPageLayout type documentation for more details about compound ids. If the placeholder contains wildcards, it remains in the layout, otherwise it is replaced by the view. If the primary id of the placeholder has no wildcards, it must refer to a view contributed to the workbench's view extension point (named "org.eclipse.ui.views").

viewId - the compound view id (wildcards allowed)